Judy 是本案的业主.年轻25岁已事业初成,买了一套位于高尚社区的200平方米的房子.准备一个人住.Judy 在委托设计师绘她的这套住宅做设计时,除了强调"单身"外,几乎再没有提什么详细的要求。设计师是凭对她最初的印象——甜美、时尚、不俗的品位,尤其是酷爱白色——而给设计定的位,然后在陪她落实施工单位和装修材料的一次次出差机会中逐步了解了她,而使设计日臻丰满.
Judy is the hostess of this home.Successful already in 25,she bought a 200 (?)residence in a noble commune.When the case was consigned to the designer,she didn't ask for anything special besides the need of celibacy.The home style was chosen according to the first impression she left in designer's mind---a sweet,modem and graceful girl.Until the plan was under construction,the designer got the chance to know her and thus made the design better.