目的 近年来随着根除幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)相关性疾病的广泛研究和应用,随之而来对H.pylori耐药菌株也日益增加。因此寻找安全有效、毒副作用少且无耐药性的药物治疗H.pylori感染,是当前十分重要的研究课题。我们的研究旨在评价中药和西药OFA(奥美拉唑20 mg、呋喃唑酮100 mg、羟氨苄青霉素1000 mg)对H.pylori的根除率。方法 根据中医辨证与西医辨病,并结合体外动物实验,选择对H.pylori有抑杀作用的中药治疗H.pylori感染病人215例,并设对照组204例,用OFA治疗。结果419例实际完成403例,失访16例,两组治疗方案对于H.pylori分别为中药组疗效86.3%。对照组疗效为87.5%。结论 本研究显示,中药治疗幽门螺杆菌感染根除率与对照组相仿,但毒副反应少、药物依从性好、无耐药性、而且价格廉价。中药是治疗幽门螺旋杆菌的理想而有效药物。
Objective Drug tolerent strain of H. pylori increased as the anti - Helicobacter pylori drugs are widely used in medical practice, therefore it is important to find out an effective medicine with less side effects.Methods 215 patients with H, pylori infection treated by traditional mecidine which possessed anti - Hipylori activity, other 204 paitents treated with OFA (Omeprgzole, Furazolidone and (efadroxil) served as controls.Results The effective rate in treating and control group was 86.3% and 87.5% respectively with no significant statistical difference ( P > 0.05 ). Conclusion It is suggested that Chinese medicine is effective in treating H. pylori infection with the advantages of low.
Chinese Journal of Viral Diseases