目的 分析女职工妇科疾病患病情况,掌握当前妇女病发病趋势,研究防治对策。方法对246名已婚女职工按照统一制订的普查表格询问、登记,进行妇科及相应的辅助检查,对常见妇科病分年龄段进行比较分析,并将5年的普查结果进行对比研究。结果 女职工妇女常见病患病率30.89%,各疾病患病率由高到低依次为慢性宫颈炎、乳腺囊性增生、子宫肌瘤、卵巢肿瘤、阴道炎。乳腺囊性增生病以31~40岁组为高发人群,子宫肌瘤、卵巢肿瘤患病率有逐年上升趋势。结论 加强妇科肿瘤、乳腺疾病等的防治工作,注重妇女更年期保健,提高妇女的身心健康水平。
Objective To investigate the trend of gnyecologic diseases at present and to research the counter-measure of prevention and treatment for them by means of analysing the gynecologic diseases of 246 married women. Methods The uniform form was built for inquiring and registering the situation of the 246 married women.The gynecologic and corresponding auxiliary check was made.The common gynecologic diseases were compared according to the different age and compared with the 5 - years surveyed results. Results The date showed that the rate of the common gynecologic diseases was 30.89% and the suffering rate of them from high to low was cervicitis, fibrocystic disease of breast, leiomyoma., ovariotumour and vaginitis.The affected age of the fibrocystic disease of breast was the hightest from 31 to 40 years old and the suffering rate of the leiomyoma and the ovaiotumour was gradually increased in past 5 - year. Conclusion It is key link to raising women's healthy level in physiology and psychology strengthening the prevention and treatment of the gynecotumour and the diseases of breast and paying attention to healthy protection of the women' s climacteric.
Chinese Journal of Viral Diseases
Gynecologic disease
General survey
Married women