目的 观察活血疏通法治疗恢复期及后遗症期中风病人的临床疗效。方法 将178例中风后遗症患者随机分为活血疏通法组92例患者(即治疗组)用穴位注射、针刺、梅花针治疗,其中穴位注射药物采用复方丹参注射液4ml,穴位注射采用肩髃、曲池、手三里、环跳、足三里、阳陵泉、丰隆穴,均取患侧,每次治疗交替选用上述4穴;针刺主穴分两组:①百会、人中、风府、曲池、外关、合谷、健膝、风市、足三里、解溪、昆仑、太冲;②四神聪、极泉、尺泽、内关、大陵、血海、阴陵泉、三阴交、气海、关元。每次治疗交替选用上述两组穴位,失语加哑门、廉泉,口眼歪斜加四白、地仓、颊车;梅花针轻扣偏瘫肢体痉挛劣势侧。对照组86例患者用针刺治疗,针刺选穴和方法与活血疏通法组同。结果 3个疗程后治疗组的总有效率达93.48%,对照组的总有效率达81.4%,治疗组的基本痊愈率、显著进步率、进步率均高于对照组,总有效率与对照组比,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论活血疏通法治疗恢复期及后遗症期中风的临床疗效明显高于单纯针刺组。
Objective To observe the clinical effect of therapy of Activating Blood Circulation and Dredging Channels and Collaterals on cerabral vascular accident. Method The treatment group were treated by acupoint injection with Dansheng solution, acupuncture and cutaneous needle. Jianyu, Quchi, Shousanli, Huantiao, Zusanli, Fenglong were used as acupoints for injection; (1)Baihui, Renzhong, Fengfu, Quchi, Waiguan, Hegu, Jianxi, Fengshi, Zusanli, Jiexi, Kunlun, Taichong;(2)Sishencong, Jiquan, Chize, Neiguan, Dating, Xuehai, Yin-lingqian, Qihai, Guanyuan were used as two groups of main acupoints for acupuncture. Each group of acupoints were used alternatively.Cutaneous needle was used on the recessive side of spasm limbs of hemiplegia.86 cases of controlled group were treated by single acupuncture with the same acupoints as the treatment group. Result After three therapeutic courses, the total effective rate of the treatment group was 93.48% , the total effective rate of the controlled group was 81.4% .The difference between these two group was statistically significant (P<0.05) . Conclusion: The clinical effect of the therapy of Activating Blood Circulation and Dredging Channels and Collaterals (combining acupuncture, acupoint - injection with cutaneous needle) on cerebral vascular accident was remarkably higher than single acupuncture.
Chinese Journal of Viral Diseases