1[1]Samuel P. Huntington, Political Order in Changing Societies [ M]. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1968.
2[2]Ting Gong, First Charpt, The Politics of Corruption in Contemporary China [M]. Praeger ublishers(U. S.A), 1995.
3[3]Leslie Holmes, The End of Communist Power: Anti-Corruption Campaigns and Legitimation Crisis [M]. Cambridge:Policy Press, 1993.
4[4]J. S. Nye, "Corruption and Political Development: A Cost-Benefit Analysis" [J]. The American Political Science Review, LXI,2(June 1967).
5[5]Arnold A. Rogow & Harold D. Lasswell, Power, Corruption and Rectitude [M]. New Jerser: Prentice-Hall, Inc, 1963.
6[6]Colin Leys, "What is the Problem about Corruption" [J]. Journal of Modern African Studies , 3: 2 (1965).
7[7]Robert C.Brooks, Corruption in American politics and Life [M] .New York:Dodd,Mead,1910.
8[8]See Paul H. Douglas, Ethics in Government [M]. Harvard University Press( U. S. A), 1953; Paul H. Appleby, Morality and Administration in Democratic Government [M]. New York: Greenwood Press, Publishers, Reprinting in 1969.
9[9]Lincoln Steffens, The Shame of the Cities [M] .New York:Hill and Wang, 1957.
10[10]Robert C. Brooks, "Apologies for Political Corruption" [A]. in Arnold J. Heidenheimer, Political Corruption:Readings in Comparative Analysis [C]. U. S. A. :Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc, 1970.