我们从软件技术的角度,论述了在Windows XP环境下基于PCI总线数据采集卡实现实时测控所需要的关键技术、软件体系结构和开发方法。遵循本文所讨论的技术路线,开发了DFQ系列多方位牵引床的测控软件,提高了被控系统的控制精度和可靠性,增强了系统的可用性。
The key techniques, software architecture and development method used to implement real-time measurement and control based on PCI bus data acquisition card in Windows XP environment are discussed from the viewpoint of software technology. The measurement and control software for DFQ multidimensional traction bed are developed according to the techniques provided in this paper, the precision, high reliabihty and better usability of the object system are improved.
Journal Of Biomedical Engineering Research