In recent years, although college students have acquired ahigh level of proficiency in English reading, they have made verylittle advancement in English writing. This is due to the factthat inadequate importance is attached to writing in the teachingof English, and that students have rather vague ideas about therole of writing in foreign language learning and about the differ-ent discourse patterns existing between English and Chinese.Thus, this paper suggests that, in order to improve students’writing ability, two ways be adopted to raise students’ awarenessof learning to write: 1) integrating the product-oriented ap-proach with the process-oriented approach; 2) using students’reading as a writing source.
In recent years, although college students have acquired a high level of proficiency in English reading, they have made very little advancement in English writing. This is due to the fact that inadequate importance is attached to writing in the teaching of English, and that students have rather vague ideas about the role of writing in foreign language learning and about the differ- ent discourse patterns existing between English and Chinese. Thus, this paper suggests that, in order to improve students' writing ability, two ways be adopted to raise students' awareness of learning to write: 1) integrating the product-oriented ap- proach with the process-oriented approach; 2) using students' reading as a writing source.