
Preparation of Nanosized GdCoO_3 Powder Using Amorphous Heteronuclear Complex as a Precursor

Preparation of Nanosized GdCoO_3 Powder Using Amorphous Heteronuclear Complex as a Precursor
摘要 Nanosized GdCoO 3 cobaltite oxide powder with perovskite structure was successfully synthesized at a relative low calcination temperature using an amorphous heteronuclear complex, GdCo(DTPA)·6H 2O, as a precursor. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) indicated that the precursor completely decomposed into cobaltite oxide above 400℃. X-ray photoelection spectroscopy (XPS) revealed that the decomposed species was composed of GdCoO 3 cobaltite oxide after the precursor was calcined at 500℃ for 2h. X-ray diffraction (XRD) demonstrated that nanosized GdCoO 3 crystalline powder with perovskite structure was formed after the calcination temperature was increased to 650℃. The GdCoO 3 grain size increased linearly from 20nm to 50nm when the calcination temperature was increased from 500℃ to 800℃, and the grain size increased from 10nm to 30nm when the precursor was calcined at 500℃ for 1 to 8h. Nanosized GdCoO 3 cobaltite oxide powder with perovskite structure was successfully synthesized at a relative low calcination temperature using an amorphous heteronuclear complex, GdCo(DTPA)·6H 2O, as a precursor. Differential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) indicated that the precursor completely decomposed into cobaltite oxide above 400℃. X-ray photoelection spectroscopy (XPS) revealed that the decomposed species was composed of GdCoO 3 cobaltite oxide after the precursor was calcined at 500℃ for 2h. X-ray diffraction (XRD) demonstrated that nanosized GdCoO 3 crystalline powder with perovskite structure was formed after the calcination temperature was increased to 650℃. The GdCoO 3 grain size increased linearly from 20nm to 50nm when the calcination temperature was increased from 500℃ to 800℃, and the grain size increased from 10nm to 30nm when the precursor was calcined at 500℃ for 1 to 8h.
出处 《Tsinghua Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS 2001年第2期168-172,共5页 清华大学学报(自然科学版(英文版)
基金 the Initiating Fund for the ReturnedPersonnel from the Ministry of Education China
关键词 GdCoO 3 NANOSIZED cobaltite oxide amorphous heteronuclear complex GdCoO 3 nanosized cobaltite oxide amorphous heteronuclear complex
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