On the basis of an introduction of the Wigner Higher-Order spectra (WHOS) and a general class of time-frequency higher-order moment spectra, the geophysical signal was analyzed using the higher order time-frequency distributions (TFD). Simulation results obtained in this paper show that the higher-order TFD (Wigner Bispectrum, Wigner Trispectrum and Choi-Williams Trispectrum) have much better Time-Frequency Concentration than the second-order TFD, and the reduced interference higher-order TFD such as CWT can effectively reduce the cross-term in multicomponent signals and simultaneously obtain high time-frequency concentration.
On the basis of an introduction of the Wigner Higher-Order spectra (WHOS) and a general class of time-frequency higher-order moment spectra, the geophysical signal was analyzed using the higher order time-frequency distributions (TFD). Simulation results obtained in this paper show that the higher-order TFD (Wigner Bispectrum, Wigner Trispectrum and Choi-Williams Trispectrum) have much better Time-Frequency Concentration than the second-order TFD, and the reduced interference higher-order TFD such as CWT can effectively reduce the cross-term in multicomponent signals and simultaneously obtain high time-frequency concentration.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China( 4 990 40 10 )