The author constructed a transformer Scp4 of functional programs. The transformer uses the technology known as Turchin's supercompilation. Scp4 was implemented in a functional language Refal 5. The input language for Scp4 is also Refal 5. In the present paper we give an outline of the supercompiler and consider a number of tools of the transformer in details. The tools can be formally thought of as quasi distributive laws.
The author constructed a transformer Scp4 of functional programs. The transformer uses the technology known as Turchin's supercompilation. Scp4 was implemented in a functional language Refal 5. The input language for Scp4 is also Refal 5. In the present paper we give an outline of the supercompiler and consider a number of tools of the transformer in details. The tools can be formally thought of as quasi distributive laws.