通过对美国“新经济”现象的成因和特点的分析来说明 ,知识经济逐步在世界范围内崛起 ,人类文明开始从第一次现代化向第二次现代化转移。中国要国富民强 ,要圆高科技梦 ,要利用这股“知识经济”热迅速迎头赶上西方国家 ,必须在发展经济的道路上排除三大障碍 :创新能力的不足 。
Up to May this year, American GNP had accomplished 108 months′ continuous increase which was another miracle in the economy development of the capitalist countries after the War. (Some people called it “New Economy” phenomenon.) This article is to account for, through the analysis to the reasons and features of the American New Economy phenomenon, that Knowledge Economy had occurred throughout the world and human civilization is shifting from the first modernization to the second modernization. If China wants to become rich and powerful, make her high technology dream come true and take the best advantage of the Knowledge Economy to catch up with the western countries as quickly as possible , she has to eliminate three handicaps :lack of creation, difficulty in bringing up global businesses and shortage of initial input.
Journal of North China Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power(Social Sciences Edition)
New Economy