In the article 'Evolution Model of the Earth’s Limited Expanding' published in Volume 45 Number (4) of Chinese Science Bulletin[1], the author suggests that the earth expands according to a law R(t) = R0+A(1 -exp(β(t-ts))) (remark: this formula was mistakenly printed as R(t) = R0 + Aexp(β(t-ts)) in the and formula (12) of the text of ref. [1]). According to ref. [1], the earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago. After 0.3 billion years from its birth (ts), it started expansion from an initial radius R0 of 4651 km, and may reach a final maximum radius of R0+A = 6511 km. In the 4.6 billion years history, the radius of the earch has increased by 1720 km, or the density decreased from 14200 km/m3 (2.57 times the present density) to 5520 kg/m3 within the latest 4.3 billion years.
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49774236),