Adularia sample was collected from epithermal Au-, Ag-bearing quartz-adularia veins from Hishikari, Japan. This adularia is rich in K, Or=94.63, clear, transparent, fine-grained and closely associated with quartz. In this study, it was determined by XRD, IR and 29Si, 27A1 MAS NMR methods. The adularia studied is of high sanidine with triclinic domains in it. The occupancy of Al 2t1=0.60, IR ordering θ=0.15.29Si NMR spectrum of this adularia shows a broad triplet peak, i.e. 3 poorly separated peaks at -94.9, -96.7, -99.9. This kind 29Si NMR spectrum for natural high sanidine has never been reported before. And the 27A1 NMR spectrum gives an asymmetry peak with chemical shift at 58.7 extending slightly to the low frequency. Under a violent boiling environment, Hishikari adularia rapidly crystallized from a supersaturated solution.
Adularia sample was collected from epithermal Au-, Ag-bearing quartz-adularia veins from Hishikari, Japan. This adularia is rich in K, Or=94.63, clear, transparent, fine-grained and closely associated with quartz. In this study, it was determined by XRD, IR and29Si,27Al MAS NMR methods. The adularia studied is of high sanidine with triclinic domains in it. The occupancy of Al 2t1=0.60, IR ordering θ=0.15.29Si NMR spectrum of this adularia shows a broad triplet peak, i.e. 3 poorly separated peaks at ?94.9, ?96.7, ?99.9. This kind29Si NMR spectrum for natural high sanidine has never been reported before. And the27Al NMR spectrum gives an asymmetry peak with chemical shift at 58.7 extending slightly to the low frequency. Under a violent boiling environment, Hishikari adularia rapidly crystallized from a supersaturated solution.