采用问卷调查法 ,对广西 2 675名社会体育指导员的基本情况进行调查 ,旨在了解广西社会体育指导员的基本情况 ,为今后社会体育指导员队伍的培养建设提供参考。调查结果显示 :广西社会体育指导员中 ,男女比例为 3.64:1,男多女少 ;多数指导员年龄在 4 0岁以下 ( 64.94 % ) ,有大学学历 ( 60 .2 6% ) ,从事工作时间在五年以下 ( 63.89% ) ,指导性质为义务指导 ( 92 .2 2 % ) ;锻炼指导型指导员多于组织管理型指导员 ,比例为 2 .30 :1;指导员级别集中于一级、二级和三级 ,三者比例为 1:1.0 1:1.2 2 ,分布均匀 ;指导员城乡分布差距悬殊 ,比例 9.53:1;部分社会体育指导员的指导工作进行不正常 :指导时间、指导场所不固定 ,指导时间短 ,指导活动组织稳定性不强。
Guangxi social sports instructors were investigated by means of inquiry in order to get some information of them and help to give an advise to the future construction of Guangxi social sports instructors teams. The result shows: The proportion of the male instructors and female instructors is 3.64∶1. Among the Guangxi socialsports instructor, most are under 40(64.94%), most have college education level (60.26%), and most have less than 5 years' working experiments (63.89%). Most of Guangxi social sports instructors are voluteer (92.22%). Among them, Manage instructors are less than exercise instructors, the proportion of them is 2.30∶1. Most of their ranks are the first, the second and the third and the proportion of these three ranks is 1∶1.01∶1.02. The amount of the towns' instructor sand that of the country_sides' have a wide gap, the proportion of them is 9.53∶1. Part of the instructor's don't work regularly—— the time and the location they instruct is variable, their activities don't last long enough, and the organization is not stable.
Sport Science and Technology
social sports, instructor, percentage