目的 评价单腔双感知和单腔单感知频率应答式心脏起搏器的临床效应。方法 62 例( 男29 例,女33例) 病态窦房结综合征患者,年龄20 ~70 岁,起搏器均为频率应答式起搏器,起搏电极16 例为单腔双感知( 气动+ 体动) ,42 例单腔单感知( 体动式),4 例为单腔单感知( 气动式) 。术后半年每月随访一次,半年后三个月随访一次,一年后3 ~6 个月随访一次,随访内容包括HOLTER。结果 62 例随访平均6 年,无发生起搏综合征,临床症状明显改善,多数恢复生活自理能力和工作。动态心电图检查起搏功能良好。结论 单腔双感知和单腔单感知频率应答起搏器对比,当活动量或通气量增加时,起搏频率随之增加,其临床效果无明显差异。对于心动过缓合并房颤患者,建议采用单腔单感知频率应答起搏器已能达到目的。
Objective To comparative study of activity-based or respirator-based rate adaptive pacemakers and dual sensor rate response. Methods Sixty-two patients with sick sinus syndrome (29 male, 33 female), age 20~78 years. All pacemakers are rate adaptive pacing. Sixteen patients implanted dual-sensor (Activity+Respitator) rate adaptive pacing; Fourty-two patients implanted activity-based sensor rate adaptive pacing; four patients implanted respirtator-based sensor rate adaptive pacing. Follow-up every one month in the first half year after operation. Later at 6,9,12 months with HOLTER examination.Results Clinical symptoms improved and no pacemaker syndrome occured after the follow-up of sixty-two paients. All HOLTER demonstrated normal pacemeker function.Conclusions No significant difference between activity-based or respirtator-based and dual sensor ventricular rate adaptive pacing in clinical effects.
South China Journal of Cardiovascular Diseases