Based on the Floquet theory on ordinary differential equationswith periodically variable coefficients and the bifurcation approachto nonlinear equations, a numerical approach to determining thestability region of control parameters is established for a dynamiccontrol system composed of a moving body levitated magnetically overflexible guideways. The system is nonlinearly coupled among theelastic deformation of guideways, disturbance the levitation positionof the body and electromagnet- ic control forces.
Based on the Floquet theory on ordinary differential equationswith periodically variable coefficients and the bifurcation approachto nonlinear equations, a numerical approach to determining thestability region of control parameters is established for a dynamiccontrol system composed of a moving body levitated magnetically overflexible guideways. The system is nonlinearly coupled among theelastic deformation of guideways, disturbance the levitation positionof the body and electromagnet- ic control forces.
the Pre-research Project of the Committee of Science and Tchnology for Defence of China
the Science Foundation of Education Ministry of China for Ph.D Programmes