This paper studies the sillgular perturbation of Robin boundary value problcll'lfor th(3 palloral nonlinoar systems with boundary perturbation. Under the golferalconditions, ill(3 (fxistcnce of the solution is shown and the asymptotic cxpallsiorlsof ill(3 solution and its (lerivatives, which is 'nil'orrrlly valid for the higher or(lcl.s,is obtained.
This paper studies the sillgular perturbation of Robin boundary value problcll'lfor th(3 palloral nonlinoar systems with boundary perturbation. Under the golferalconditions, ill(3 (fxistcnce of the solution is shown and the asymptotic cxpallsiorlsof ill(3 solution and its (lerivatives, which is 'nil'orrrlly valid for the higher or(lcl.s,is obtained.