目的 从社会、心理、生物医学因素角度评价人群的心理健康状况,分析自杀行为。方法调查268 例病例及询问病史,从服药、饮酒动机、社会心理、家庭职业、学习情况及文化程度等进行分析。结果 资料说明人的心理是客观现实的反映,也就是说人生活在特定的社会生活条件下,人的文化素质,社会的物质文明和精神文明,以及个人所处的社会地位、经济基础都在调节和影响人的心理。结论 一旦导致人的心理失调,对于行为都会起着消极作用。当今医药卫生推向市场、推向个体,精神药物管理存在问题,尤其在边少穷的民族地区,精神药物管理问题依然存在混乱现象,加之人群贫穷落后、文化素质偏低、服安定等药物及大量饮酒解愁,致使自杀行为的人数在逐年增多,影响社会安定。
Objective This article mainly appraised the condition of people's psychology health, from the society, psychology, biomedical factors, analysing suicide behaviour. Methods The 268 cases were analysed and asked about the history of sickness in detail, from taking medicine, attemption of drinking; social psychology, family job, studying condition and level of education, and so on. Results The material showed the psychology was the reflection of objective reality. In other words, under special social living conditions, people's quality, social material civilization and spirit civiliazation, a person's social position and basic economic position all adjusted and affected people psychology. If the psychology lost the balance, it had the passive effect on people's behaviour. Conclusion The numbers of suicide behaviour is getting higher each year. It has a bad effect on society.
Chinese Journal of Disease Control & Prevention
suicide behaviour
psychological health