Both Jianyu(LI 15) and Jiquan(HT 1) are effective points most in use for acupuncture treatment of hemiplegia due to apoplexy and diseases of the shoulder joint. In Jianyu point-through-Jiquan point acupuncture, less points are selected with strong needle sensation and good therapeutic effects, but practical manipulation of acupuncture has a certain degree of difficulty. Layer-anatomic study on Jianyu point-through-Jiquan point was made in the corpse so as to provide morphological data and direction for clinical doctors in the depth, direction and manipulation methods of the penetration needling, and make morphological study on mechanisms of the point penetration method treating hemiplegia due to apoplexy.
Both Jianyu(LI 15) and Jiquan(HT 1) are effective points most in use for acupuncture treatment of hemiplegia due to apoplexy and diseases of the shoulder joint. In Jianyu point-through-Jiquan point acupuncture, less points are selected with strong needle sensation and good therapeutic effects, but practical manipulation of acupuncture has a certain degree of difficulty. Layer-anatomic study on Jianyu point-through-Jiquan point was made in the corpse so as to provide morphological data and direction for clinical doctors in the depth, direction and manipulation methods of the penetration needling, and make morphological study on mechanisms of the point penetration method treating hemiplegia due to apoplexy.