目的 探讨彩色多普勒组织成像(DTI)在室性心律失常起搏点定位及治疗中的应用。方法 对88例室性心律失常患者的心肌显像作了异位起搏点定位研究和治疗前、后的监测。结果 当心电图上出现频发性早搏或短阵室性心动过速时,DTI可同步显示异位室性起源点及此点的运动速度传布途径等特征性改变。在初步尝试的心内导管身频消融术定位标测中它与心内电生理标测符合性好,且能为治疗后患者心肌运动状况及灌注的改变提供影像依据。结论 DTI是一项无创性诊断心室异位起搏点及病灶和监测预后的一项新手段。
To study the localization and teatment of the ectopic exciting point in ventricual arrhythmias with the use ofDoppler tissue image. Methods Myocardial image of 88 cases with ventricular arrhythmias were carried out by Doppler tissue image (DTI) for studying on the localization of the ectopic exciting point and the monitoring of the pre-and post-treatment, meanwhile ECG was used for comparing study. Results Frequent premature ventricular arrhythmia and ventricular tachycardia on ECG were detected while ectopic ventvicular exciting point were detected on DTI at the same time. The move velocity and disseminating way of the exciting point were detected by DTI ao wall thile intracardiac electrophysiological paremeters were measured in the localization of radiofrequency catheter ablation. DTI provided proofs of myocardial movement in post-treatment and the myocardial infusion change. Conclusion It is an non-invasive technique for diagnosing and treating ectopic ventricular exciting point
Doppler tissue image
ventricular arrhythmias
exciting point
treatmeat monitor