Based on analyzing the tropical Pacific SST and ECMWF data in the 1980s, the inverse characteristics between low frequency atmospheric oscillation (LFO), including intrasea-sonal oscillation and half-year oscillation and the SST anomalies in the tropical Pacific (SSTA) have been found. The positive SSTA corresponds to the weak LFO, the negative SSTA to the strong LFO. The correlation field further demonstrates this kind of negative correlation and points out that the anomalous LFO in Indonesia plays an important role in the variation of SSTA in the tropical centre-eastern Pacific.
Based on analyzing the tropical Pacific SST and ECMWF data in the 1980s, the inverse characteristics between low frequency atmospheric oscillation (LFO), including intraseasonal oscillation and half-year oscillation and the SST anomalies in the tropical Pacific (SSTA) have been found. The positive SSTA corresponds to the weak LFO, the negative SSTA to the strong LFO. The correlation field further demonstrates this kind of negative correlation and points out that the anomalous LFO in Indonesia plays an important role in the variation of SSTA in the tropical centre-eastem Pacific.