T<sub>HE</sub> structure of aqueous and metal bearing solution, if observed dynamically by in situ spectrometer atelevated temperatures and pressures, will show new information on the kinetic mechanism of ore-formingfluids and water/mineral interactions. 1 Water and NaCl aqueous solutions The nature of water and NaCl·H<sub>2</sub>O solutions has been examined in a temperature range from 25 to850℃ and pressure from 1.33×10<sup>5</sup> to 1.33×10<sup>6</sup> Pa by using hydrothermal diamond anvil cell (HDAC)and in situ FT-IR spectroscopy (an infra-red microscope: Bio-Rad, UMA, 500). The phase transitionsof NaCl-H<sub>2</sub>O solutions can be observed by using an optical microscopy connected with HDAC, and at thesame time the infra-red spectra of NaCl-H<sub>2</sub>O binary system at any fixed physical chemical conditions canbe tested.