1 Geology Yuxi silver Deposit is located at mountain area of Tuzileike Salt 152 Km south to the Hami in XinjiangAutonomous Region. The ore is of the medium size and may be expected to be larger. Its geotectonicbackground belongs to Middle Tianshan crystalline block. The southeast part of regional Yuxi fracturezone, which is made up of a series of secondary faults and slivers-containing fragment tiering, ductileshear zones, and fracture zones, crosses the orefield. The exposed rocks in the orefield are mainly MiddleProterozoic Xingxingxia Group (Chxn), Kawabulak Group (Jxkw) and Upper Permian Darequanzi Formation. Kawabulak Group is a mineralizing wall rock, which is composed of magnesium-rich carbonate andunderwent high greenschist facies metamorphism. It is divided into five laryers by rock. Silver mineraliza-