The accumulation of the large amount of biological data concerning with gene and protein research has proposed that it is necessary to abstract the biological significance from these data. Then the bioinformatics, equipped with the most advanced computational techniques and supported by the latest biological research, has emerged for this purpose. Some recent information on the developing bioinformatics, associated with the uniform resource location addresses of those available resource sites that support hyper-text or general file transfer proto-
The accumulation of the large amount of biological data concerning with gene and protein research has proposed that it is necessary to abstract the biological significance from these data. Then the bioinformatics, equipped with the most advanced computational techniques and supported by the latest biological research, has emerged for this purpose. Some recent information on the developing bioinformatics, associated with the uniform resource location addresses of those available resource sites that support hyper-text or general file transfer protocols on the Internet, from points like bioinformation databases of gene sequence or protein structure, general biocomputing softwares for genome analysis or protein structure analysis, online biocomputing servers dedicated for genomic database search or protein steric structure recognition and prediction, artificial life, etc. is reviewed. There are also other various approaches like Usenet, Newsgroup that focus on their specific topics introduced. Finally, the hottest problems and most gifted respects of the bioinformatics are discussed, whereas the bioinformatics has been regarded as an international cooperation in sciences, as well as a new challenge for life scientists in China.