
The Metamorphism of High-Pressure Basic Granulite in Laixi District, East Shandong, China

The Metamorphism of High-Pressure Basic Granulite in Laixi District, East Shandong, China
摘要 A high pressure basic granulite ultramafics belt is found in the late Archaean gneisses of Laixi Laiyang Qixia district, east Shandong. This belt has previously been considered as another eclogite belt in Sulu ultra high pressure(UHP) terrain. The typical high P granulite is characterized by mineral assemblages of three generations formed in different metamorphic episode respectively. The mineral assemblage of first episode is Grt(core)+Cpx+Pl, that of the second episode is Grt(rim)+Cpx+Opx+Pl+Amp+Q+Mt and that of the third episode is Cpx+Pl+Amp+Q+Mt. In first assemblage, the garnet porphyroblast is rich in grossular and pyrope component, and the coexisting Cpx is Al rich. Using mineral thermobarometer and Berman’s (1991) TWQ program, the P T conditions of three episodes are established, i.e. T=840℃~860℃, P>1.4GPa for first episode; T=720℃~780℃,P=0.8~1.2GPa for second episode and T=600℃~800℃,P=0.5~0.7GPa for the third episode.Considering the reaction texture, mineral Chemistry and PT estmations, a clockwise PTt path can be constructed, which shows post peak isothermal decompression at first and followed by a process of pressure and temperature decreasing. The mineral wholerock Sm Nd isochron age of the granulite is 1752Ma, which indicates its last thermal event during early middle Proterozoic stage. Therefore, it is concluded that the high pressure granulite and ultramafics of this belt represents the lower continental curst of the North China Craton during early Precambrian without any relationship to tectonic process of the Sulu UHP terrain. A high pressure basic granulite ultramafics belt is found in the late Archaean gneisses of Laixi Laiyang Qixia district, east Shandong. This belt has previously been considered as another eclogite belt in Sulu ultra high pressure(UHP) terrain. The typical high P granulite is characterized by mineral assemblages of three generations formed in different metamorphic episode respectively. The mineral assemblage of first episode is Grt(core)+Cpx+Pl, that of the second episode is Grt(rim)+Cpx+Opx+Pl+Amp+Q+Mt and that of the third episode is Cpx+Pl+Amp+Q+Mt. In first assemblage, the garnet porphyroblast is rich in grossular and pyrope component, and the coexisting Cpx is Al rich. Using mineral thermobarometer and Berman's (1991) TWQ program, the P T conditions of three episodes are established, i.e. T=840℃~860℃, P>1.4GPa for first episode; T=720℃~780℃,P=0.8~1.2GPa for second episode and T=600℃~800℃,P=0.5~0.7GPa for the third episode.Considering the reaction texture, mineral Chemistry and PT estmations, a clockwise PTt path can be constructed, which shows post peak isothermal decompression at first and followed by a process of pressure and temperature decreasing. The mineral wholerock Sm Nd isochron age of the granulite is 1752Ma, which indicates its last thermal event during early middle Proterozoic stage. Therefore, it is concluded that the high pressure granulite and ultramafics of this belt represents the lower continental curst of the North China Craton during early Precambrian without any relationship to tectonic process of the Sulu UHP terrain.
出处 《Global Geology》 1999年第1期41-49,共9页 世界地质(英文版)
关键词 EAST SHANDONG high-pressure GRANULITE METAMORPHISM east Shandong, high-pressure granulite, metamorphism
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