The Earth’s rhythm is controlled by the intermittent energy liberation in the Earth. In the Earth’s revolution and the Earth’s rotation system, the energy conversion among the potential energy, thermal energy and rotational energy is different from that in non revolution and non rotation system. In the Earth’s core, there exists not only huge thermal energy, but huge rotation energy and radioactive heat source. They are the internal causes of energy liberation. Astronomical factor makes the Earth’s inner core to vibrate periodically, makes the Earth’s orbit, the Earth’s volume, the Earth’s ellipticity, speed of the Earth’s revolution and speed of the Earth’s rotation to change periodically, it is the external cause of the intermittent energy liberation. As concerns the differential rotation of the Earth’s inner core, the fluctuations of gravitational constant G value makes the solar radiative quantity and the solar system’s volume to change and to effect the exchange of core mantle angular momentum and volume of crust mantle, and so leads to the formation and eruption of the superplumes, so it controls the energy exchange in CMB. It is the reason for the correspondence of the geological cycles one by one with the astronomical periods and is the basic cause of the Earth’s rhythm. According to the astronomical periods, it is probable that the geological changes may be predicted in the future. The conclusion deduced from the spherical presure formula is emphasized here, that the earth core is in a non insulated status. This can, in the one hand, theoretically explain the large scale periodic energy release from the earth core, and it is also an appreciable warning to the over exploitation of energy from the interior of the earth, the thermal energy there is limited, not limitless. The over exploitation of the geothermal energy will not only warm up the earth surface quickly, but also cool down the interior of the earth in the long run and close attention is called for world over.
The Earth's rhythm is controlled by the intermittent energy liberation in the Earth. In the Earth's revolution and the Earth's rotation system, the energy conversion among the potential energy, thermal energy and rotational energy is different from that in non revolution and non rotation system. In the Earth's core, there exists not only huge thermal energy, but huge rotation energy and radioactive heat source. They are the internal causes of energy liberation. Astronomical factor makes the Earth's inner core to vibrate periodically, makes the Earth's orbit, the Earth's volume, the Earth's ellipticity, speed of the Earth's revolution and speed of the Earth's rotation to change periodically, it is the external cause of the intermittent energy liberation. As concerns the differential rotation of the Earth's inner core, the fluctuations of gravitational constant G value makes the solar radiative quantity and the solar system's volume to change and to effect the exchange of core mantle angular momentum and volume of crust mantle, and so leads to the formation and eruption of the superplumes, so it controls the energy exchange in CMB. It is the reason for the correspondence of the geological cycles one by one with the astronomical periods and is the basic cause of the Earth's rhythm. According to the astronomical periods, it is probable that the geological changes may be predicted in the future. The conclusion deduced from the spherical presure formula is emphasized here, that the earth core is in a non insulated status. This can, in the one hand, theoretically explain the large scale periodic energy release from the earth core, and it is also an appreciable warning to the over exploitation of energy from the interior of the earth, the thermal energy there is limited, not limitless. The over exploitation of the geothermal energy will not only warm up the earth surface quickly, but also cool down the interior of the earth in the long run and close attention is called for world over.