
Zircon deposit and rare earth element enriched metasomatic alkaline rocks at Kyemyeongsan Formation, Chungju, Korea: Paleozoic magmatism and Zr-REE-Nb mineralization

Zircon deposit and rare earth element enriched metasomatic alkaline rocks at Kyemyeongsan Formation, Chungju, Korea: Paleozoic magmatism and Zr-REE-Nb mineralization
摘要 The zircon ore deposit in metasediments and peralkaline granite of the Kyemyeongsan Formation is located in southwest of Chungju city, Korea. The deposit, closely associated with REE and Nb,is composed of metasomatic alkaline rocks and rare metal alkali granite, and was formed in late Carboniferous (340~343Ma). Zircon occurs in different paragenetic sequence: (1) earlier rare metal alkali granite, (2) later metasomatic zircon ore. The metasomatic zone contains abundant microcline, albite and quartz with minor biotite, magnetite, hornblende, allanite and zircon. The alkali granites have high silica (72.13~74.52wt.% as SiO 2), and total iron content (5.95~6.89%), and are characterized by low Al 2O 3 content (7.12~9.74%). They also show variable K 2O content (3.60~6.98%), and high ratios of K 2O/Na 2O. The REE patterns of rare metal alkali granite are similar to those of felsic volcanics from rifts, or back arc basins in, or near continental crust. Zircon ores are characterized by high iron content and low Al 2O 3, SiO 2, and K 2O content and have unusually high total REE content (0.18~2.33%). REE patterns show relatively flat to somewhat heavy REE (HREE) depleted characteristics (Ce/Yb=0.39~5.17) with large Eu negative anomaly (Eu/Eu *=0.16~0.29). Laser ablation microprobe inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (LAM ICP MS) analyses has been carried on zircon. The REE patterns of mineral zircons are almost the same to those of zircon ores and rare metal alkali granites, which may reflect the inability of zircons to effectively fractionated REE at formation of origin. The Sm Nd isochron age of the zircon ore and rare metal alkali granite are 330Ma, and 331Ma, respectively with ε Nd(t) being range from -2.00 to -1.84. This data suggest that the ore forming material came from the mantle. Alkali granite has suffered extensive post magmatic metasomatism of a high temperature to produce zircon ores. Geochemical characteristics show that metasomatism of alkaline fluid was probably the dominant ore forming process in Chungju district. The zircon ore deposit in metasediments and peralkaline granite of the Kyemyeongsan Formation is located in southwest of Chungju city, Korea. The deposit, closely associated with REE and Nb,is composed of metasomatic alkaline rocks and rare metal alkali granite, and was formed in late Carboniferous (340~343Ma). Zircon occurs in different paragenetic sequence: (1) earlier rare metal alkali granite, (2) later metasomatic zircon ore. The metasomatic zone contains abundant microcline, albite and quartz with minor biotite, magnetite, hornblende, allanite and zircon. The alkali granites have high silica (72.13~74.52wt.% as SiO 2), and total iron content (5.95~6.89%), and are characterized by low Al 2O 3 content (7.12~9.74%). They also show variable K 2O content (3.60~6.98%), and high ratios of K 2O/Na 2O. The REE patterns of rare metal alkali granite are similar to those of felsic volcanics from rifts, or back arc basins in, or near continental crust. Zircon ores are characterized by high iron content and low Al 2O 3, SiO 2, and K 2O content and have unusually high total REE content (0.18~2.33%). REE patterns show relatively flat to somewhat heavy REE (HREE) depleted characteristics (Ce/Yb=0.39~5.17) with large Eu negative anomaly (Eu/Eu *=0.16~0.29). Laser ablation microprobe inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (LAM ICP MS) analyses has been carried on zircon. The REE patterns of mineral zircons are almost the same to those of zircon ores and rare metal alkali granites, which may reflect the inability of zircons to effectively fractionated REE at formation of origin. The Sm Nd isochron age of the zircon ore and rare metal alkali granite are 330Ma, and 331Ma, respectively with ε Nd(t) being range from -2.00 to -1.84. This data suggest that the ore forming material came from the mantle. Alkali granite has suffered extensive post magmatic metasomatism of a high temperature to produce zircon ores. Geochemical characteristics show that metasomatism of alkaline fluid was probably the dominant ore forming process in Chungju district.
出处 《Global Geology》 1999年第1期61-73,共13页 世界地质(英文版)
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