The present study aim at our understanding the polymorphism charac-terization of apolipoprotein B (apoB) gene in normal Tibetan population. Metbods: The polymor-phisms at two sites of signal peptide insertion (Ins) /deleti0n (Del) and 3' variable numeber tandemrepeats (VNTR)in apolipoprotein B gene were studied by using PCR in 1OO random normal individ-uals from Tibetan population respectively. Results: Twenty kinds of VNTR alleles were detected inthe subjects, HVE32 (allele frequency O. 27), one of the allele being most common in all of them,andsecondary common one being HVE34 (O. 2l). The distribution of VNTR small a1leles (HVE36) and big alleles ( HVE38) accounted for 83. 8%, l6. 2%respectively. Ins allele of Ins/De1 polymorphism of the signal peptide was a common one with re1ative frequency of O.0745, whileDel allele had the frequency of 0. 255 in these Tibetan people. There were not significant differ-ences of both allele (Ins, Del) frequencies between Tibetan male and female groups. Three geno-types formed by two alleles were Ins/Ins56. Ins/Del37 and Del/Del7, respectively. The relative fre-quencies of Ins/Del alleles were similar to those in Han nationality, but the frequency of Del allelesignificantly less than that of western Caucasian population (O. 34O, P<O. O5)' The fequency distri-bution of VNTR main alleles were significantly different from Han and western popula-tions. Coucluslon: The data of polymorphisms of signal peptide insertion/deletion and VNTR ofapoB gene from normal Tibetan were obtained. There were not only significant difference of VNTRpolymorphisms between Tibetan and Han nationality, but also much significant difference of VN-TR and Ins/Del polymorphisms among Tibetan and other western ethnical populations.
Journal of Logistics University of PAP(Medical Sciences)
Apolipoprotein B