objective: To study the effect of epigallatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) on the growthand apoptosis of gastric cancer MGC-803 cell line. Methods: Changes in DNA fragment, morphol-ogy and growth inhibition rate of MGC- 803 cell line were evaluated by agrose gel eletrophoresis,fluorescent microscopy and MTT assay. Results:Apoptosis characterization of DNA laddering bandappeared in the MGC- 803 cell after treated with EGCG at 1×10-4 M or 1×10-5 M for 33 hours,but at 1×10-3M DNA fragment was smear band shaped. Condensation of chromosome and bleb-bing of the plasma membrane were found in the apoptotic cells under fluorescent microscopy. MTTassay showed growth inhibition of MGC- 803 cells induced by EGCG. Conclusion: EGCG may in-duce apoptosis of gastric cancer MGC-803 cells significantly, and high concentration EGCG maycause the necrosis of the cells directly.
Journal of Logistics University of PAP(Medical Sciences)