Objective: To study the influence of alcohol and a common polymorphism in thehuman apolipoprotein AI gene promoter at a position 75bp upstream of the transcriptional startsite on plasma lipid levels. Methods: 742 healthy Yi and Han subjects all above 15 years old formedthe total population which was divided into three samples, namely, Yi-farmer sample, Yi-emigrantsample and Han-resident sample for this study. All estimations of plasma lipids andapolipoproteins were carred on through an auto-analyzer. Genetic DNA was prepared from the clots usingTriton x-100 lysis techniqve. Amplification of a 432bp fragment of the apoAI gen promoter wasperformed via the PCR, followed by restriction digestion, electrophoresis and identificaton of thegenotypes involved. Data analysis was done at last. Results: Four groups of alcohol consumptionwere defined: non-drinkers, 1-25g/day, 26-75g/day and>75g/day. When the four alcoholconsumption groups were compared, plasma HDLC and apoAI levels became elevated continuously as thealcohol consumption increased with no evidence of threshold effects in the sample of Yi-farmersand the sample of Han people. Similar association was found in the sample of Yi-emigrants,but hadnot statistical significance. The freqeuencies of the A allele of the three samples were similar, andno significant difference of lipid and apolipoprotein levels was found between subjects with andwithout A allele in three samples. But, In Han and Yi-emigrant samples, the drinkers withgenotypes of GG had higher plasme HDLC and apoAI levels than non-drinkers with same genotypes,the drinkers with A allele had lower plasma HDLC and apoAI levels than drinkers without Aallele, and the non-drinkers with A allele had higher levels of apoAI than non-drinkers withgenotypes of GG. It is estimated that 18% of the variability of plasma apoAI level could be explained bythe G/A polymorphism in non-drinkers of Yi-emigrants (F=8.94, P<0. 01). Conclusions: Thepresent data suggest that moderate alcohol consumptiopn and the G to A substitution could makethe risk of CHD lower, but the beneficial effects of the G to A substitution will be negated byalcohol consumption.
Journal of Logistics University of PAP(Medical Sciences)