婴儿脚气病以突然哭叫、惊厥、急性心力衰竭为主要表现的重症者罕见,若不能早期诊断,尽快使用维生素B1 治疗,病情会迅速恶化。通过喂养史及维生素B1 的诊断性治疗,可早期明确诊断。头颅CT可见双侧基底神经节区对称性肾形低密度影,治疗后1~3 个月头颅CT复查,低密度影可消失,不留后遗症。应着重惊厥的护理,应用解痉剂,吸痰,面罩吸氧等。心力衰竭忌用强心剂及激素,以防心衰加重。做好家属的心理护理,消除其焦急、烦躁及恐惧心理,密切配合治疗。注射维生素B1 2 ~3d 后症状可缓解,此后口服,其母也同时服用维生素B1 ,疗程约1 月。此病重在预防。
It is very rare that infantile beriberi shows:crying,convulsion,acute heart failure without early diagnosis and use of VitB 1,condition may deterioate Early diagnosis may be made by feeding history and diagnosis treatment of VitB 1 Symetric kidney shaped low density area may be found in bilateral basal ganglion through CT and it may disappear after 1~3 month treatment without any sequela Nursing points:anti convulsant drainage of sputum Oxygen inhale, heart failure treatment,psychological nursing of their parents VitB 1 injection may relieve the symptom,in the mean time,the mothers may take VitB 1 orally
Journal of Qilu Nursing