This paper introduced the past and current situation about distribution and population of wolf (Canis Iupus) in different countries. Wolf once distributed widely in the world. lts distribution area has diminished greatly as their living conditions are destroyed, together with persecution from humans. The overall population of wolf is also declining. ln some countries, wolves are endangered or even extinct. Now some countries have pIaced the woIf on the natjonal Iist of protected animals. Alaska of the United States and Canada are the widely distributed areas of wolves in the world.
This paper introduced the past and current situation about distribution and population of wolf (Canis lupus) in different countries. Wolf once distributed widely in the world. Its distribution area has diminished greatly as their living conditions are destroyed, together with persecution from humans. The overall population of wolf is also declining. In some countries, wolves are endangered or even extinct. Now some countries have placed the wolf on the national list of protected animals. Alaska of the United States and Canada are the widely distributed areas of wolves in the world.