
急性髓系白血病和非白血病骨髓间充质干细胞生物学特性的比较 被引量:1

Comparison of Biological Characteristics of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Acute Myeloid Leukemia with Those from Non-leukemia
摘要 本研究旨在比较急性髓系白血病的间充质干细胞(MSC)、急性髓系白血病完全缓解后骨髓MSC以及非白血病的MSC的三者生物学特性。将骨髓MSC分为3组:白血病组、完全缓解组以及非白血病组。采用光学显微镜观察各组MSC的形态学特征,在原位瑞氏染色后计数各组CFU-F数,计数各组MSC的融合时间,绘制各组MSC的生长曲线,应用流式细胞仪检测各组MSC的免疫表型及细胞周期并计算DI值。结果发现,3组骨髓MSC的形态无差异;3组原代MSC的CFU-F数有差异(p=0.01),其中白血病组MSC的CFU-F最少;3组原代MSC的融合时间有差异(p<0.01),其中白血病MSC组的融合时间最长;在第3、5、7天对3组MSC(第2代)的细胞计数进行比较,结果无显著性差异(p>0.05);3组MSC(第二代)免疫表型检测显示CD105、CD106均为高表达,CD45表达阴性,3组间结果比较无差异(p值分别为0.37、0.50);各组MSC(第二代)的G0/G1期细胞比例分别为(89.9±4.0)%,(90.2±3.0)%,(91.0±3.0)%,3组比较未显示差异(p=0.79)。3组MSC的DI值都在0.9-1.1范围之内。结论:在对白血病与非白血病的第二代MSC的生物学特性比较中,未发现有显著性差异。 This study was aimed to compare partial biological characteristics of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMMSCs) in AML patients, AML patients with complete remission (CR) and non-leukemia patients. The bone marrow (BM) MSCs were divided into 3 groups: group of MSCs from AML patients, group of MSCs from AML patients with CR, group of MSCs from non-leukemia patients. The morphologic features of MSCs were observed by light micros- copy; CFU-F numbers of MSCs were counted after Wright-Giemsa staining in situ ; the fusion times of MSCs were determined; the growth courves of MSCs were drawed by counting cell numbers; the immunophenotypes and cell cycle of MSCs were detected by flow cytometry; the DI values of MSCs were calculated. The results showed that the morphologic features of MSCs in 3 groups did not display difference; there was significant difference (p 〈0.01 ) of CFU-F numbers in 3 groups, while CFU-F number of MSCs in AML group was minimal; there was significant difference of MSC fusion time in 3 groups, while fusion time of MSCs in AML group was most long; the growth curves of MSCs in 3 groups were similar; MSCs in 3 groups higyly expressed CD105 and CD106, but not expressed CD45; the cell distribution ratios at phase of G0/G1 for MSCs in 3 groups were 89.9 ±4.0%, 90.2 ±3.0% and 91.0 ±3.0% respectively; the DI values of MSCs in 3 groups were between 0.9 and 1.1. It is concluded that no significant difference of biological characteristics of the second generations of MSCs is found between those in leukemia and non-leukemia patients.
出处 《中国实验血液学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2009年第2期395-399,共5页 Journal of Experimental Hematology
关键词 骨髓间充质干细胞 白血病 生物学特性 细胞周期 BMMSC leukaemia biological characteristics cell life cycle
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