一位美国的神经心理学家David Weeks,花费了10年时间,足迹遍布Britain, Europe and the United States,就一个问题作认真的调查研究。这个问题是:Do you look and feel younger than you are?在那些外貌比实际年龄要年轻10岁的被调查者身上,David Weeks发现了这样一个令人不可思议的原因:On average, they had sex at least four times a week—twice as often as the averageperson.他的这个发现并非无稽之谈,因为:A woman's body during orgasm(性 高潮)releases the hormone oxytocin(【生化】催产素),which affects emotional centers of her brain. Men who regularly stimulate their mate's oxytocin are rewarded with warmer feelings of affection.文章的末句,看似简单,其实不然。 For monogamous(一夫一妻的)relationships, however, the instructions are clear: get out the candles and romantic music. 读者朋友,如果你对句中的get out the candles and romantic music感到似懂非懂的话,请注意阅读下期的《难句会诊》。
Contemporary Foreign Language Studies