Using the 'lumped mechanism' and 'counting species' methods, we developed a condensed gas-phase chemical model based on a simplified one. The modified quasi-steady-state approximation (QSSA) scheme and the error redistribution mass conservation technique are adopted to solve the atmospheric chemistry kinetic equations. Results show that the condensed model can well simulate concentration variations of gas species such as SO2, NOX, O-3, H2O2 and conversion rates of SO2 and NOX transformation to H2SO4 and HNO3. These results are in good agreement with those from the simplified model. The conversion rates of SO2 and NOX under different initial concentrations and meteorological conditions are computed, and the results can be directly applied to regional acid deposition model.
Using the 'lumped mechanism' and 'counting species' methods, we developed a condensed gas-phase chemical model based on a simplified one. The modified quasi-steady-state approximation (QSSA) scheme and the error redistribution mass conservation technique are adopted to solve the atmospheric chemistry kinetic equations. Results show that the condensed model can well simulate concentration variations of gas species such as SO2, NOX, O-3, H2O2 and conversion rates of SO2 and NOX transformation to H2SO4 and HNO3. These results are in good agreement with those from the simplified model. The conversion rates of SO2 and NOX under different initial concentrations and meteorological conditions are computed, and the results can be directly applied to regional acid deposition model.