In order to study the blood glucose-lowing action and the affection of the insulin's secretion of the domestic glimepiride, we detected the concentrations of blood glucose and insulin and employed OGTT after oral administration of glimepiride with dose levels 2.5,5 and lOmg/kg to rats and rabbits respectively. We found that the blood glu- cose of the animals was lowered after the administration (P < 0. 01) and the blood glucose-lowing action was much stronger than that of the glibenclamide. Glimepride could counteract with the blood glucose-increasing action of OGTT in rats and rabbits after given glucose orally and its counteraction depended on the dosage. Glimepride also increased the blood iasulin, which also depended on the dosage. The results above indicated that glimepride can stimulate pancreatic islets to secret insulin.
Sichuan Journal of Physiological Sciences