
甜高粱引种试种及综合利用研究初报 被引量:1

The intial research of the seed-introducing and experiment of the sweet sorgum and comprehensive utilizstion
摘要 本项研究目的在于通过引种试种甜高粱,筛选出适合湛江市栽培的籽粒和鲜茎产量较高、蔗糖含量达到甘蔗水平的优良品种,来开发利用,以解决蔗源、粮源不足问题.本项目初步试验结果表明:沈农杂二号、原2AΧR:0 这两个品种的籽粒和鲜茎亩产量较高,但糖分含量低,可做粮食、饲料、酿酒等之用;而BJ- 201 和雷伊两个品种,糖分含量较高,但籽粒产量较低,可作榨糖之用. The research goal is to sift out the grade sweet sorgum which was suitable for cultivating in zhanjiang city,whose seed,fresh stem output was high and in which the content of fresh stem was up to the level of sugar cane,therefore,it could created the new path that solved the question of in suffiency of sugar cane and food.The initial experiment result showed that the two species,“Shenlongza No 2”and “Yuan 2A×R∶0” could be used for food,forage,brewage and the output of seed grain and fresh stem per Mu is high.but the content of sugar is lower;the species,“BJ-201”and “Leiyi”were used for the sugar-producing,the content of sugar of those species is high,but the output of seed grain is lower.
出处 《湛江师范学院学报》 1999年第2期74-77,共4页 Journal of Zhanjiang Normal College
基金 湛江市重点攻关科研资助!(1997)
关键词 甜高粱 引种 栽培技术 糖份 亩产量 sweetsorgum seed-introducing cultivating technology the content of sugar the output of per mu
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