
柔嫩艾美耳球虫感染对鸡肠炎沙门氏菌感染的增强作用 被引量:2

Enhancing Effect of Eimeria tenella Infection on Salmonella enteritidis Infection in Chickens
摘要 本试验对柔嫩艾美耳球虫(Eimeria tenella)感染对肠炎沙门氏菌(Salmonella enteritidis)感染的影响进行了研究。实验结果表明:肠炎沙门氏菌和柔嫩艾美耳球虫的相互作用显著;在球虫感染后第4,10,14d 时,柔嫩艾美耳虫球虫感染可显著地(P<0.01)增加盲肠内容物中肠炎沙门氏菌数量。肠炎沙门氏菌和柔嫩艾美耳球虫之间协同作用与肠炎沙门氏菌的感染量大小和感染后的时间显著相关(P<0.01)。柔嫩艾美耳球虫感染并没有显著地提高肝脏、脾脏中肠炎沙门氏菌的阳性率。不同感染量的肠炎沙门氏菌感染对鸡盲肠的球虫病变记分显著影响. The effect of Eimeria tenella infection on the Salmonella enteritidis infection in chickens was investigated in three experiments.Each experiment consisted of an uninfect- ed control,birds infected with E.tenella,birds infected with S.enteritidis,and birds in- fected with a combination of E.tenella and S.enteritidis.A dose of 2×10~4 sporulated oocysts of E.tenella was given to each chicken.In Experiment 1,each chicken was infect- ed with 10~5 cfu/day of S.enteritidis for 3 consecutive d starting 1 day after coccidia expo- sure and necropsied 4,7,10 and 14 days after coccidiai infection.In Experiments 2 and 3, each bird was infected with 10~2 cfu/day and 10~1 cfu/day of S.enteritidis,respectively,for 2 days beginning 4 days after coccidia exposure,and were killed 7,10,and 14 days postin- fection with E.tenella.Results showed that interaction between S.enteritidis and E.tenel- la was significant in Experiments 1 and 2,but not in Experiment 3,manifesting that cecal Salmonella population was significantly increased by coccidial infection in birds killed 4, 10,14 days after coccidia exposure in Experiment 1,and in birds killed 14 days after coc- cidial infection in Experiment 2.The dose-size of S.enteritidis was an important factor for the synergistic relationship between S.enteritidis and E.tenella.Frequency of recovery of S.enteritidis in liver and spleen was not significantly increased by E.tenella infection.
出处 《中国农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第S2期25-31,共7页 Journal of China Agricultural University
基金 日本文部省的部分资助
关键词 肠炎沙门氏菌 沙门氏菌 柔嫩艾美耳球虫 球虫 Salmonella enteritidis Salmonella Eimeria tenelia coccidia
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