
全缘金粟兰(Chloranthus holostagius)的繁殖特征研究

The Characteristics of Reproductive Biology of Chloranthus Holostagius (Chloranthaceae)
摘要 对全缘金粟兰(Chloranthus holostagius)的营养繁殖、物侯及花发育、传粉和有性生殖过程观察结果显示;全缘金粟兰在自然条件下.多以有性生殖为主,性成熟植株具有1个顶生穗状花序、且常于4片叶腋内产生共(2-)4条侧生的穗状花序,有时可于侧生花序着生点外侧形成技芽并形成具1—2对小叶和一个次级顶生花序及2个侧生花序的小枝.各级花序均同形,但花序长、小花数及结实率均随级数增加而减小.全缘金粟兰为异花授粉植物,隔离传媒的套袋花序结实率几为零,其传粉昆虫为缨翅目(Thysanoptera)蓟马科(Thyipi-dae)端大蓟马(Mwgalurothrips distalis),是一种广布并可寄生于多种植物花序的昆虫,但全缘金粟兰的花序特别适于其寄居.全缘金粟兰的顶生花序结实率高于其它次级花序,但随环境不同有明显变化,且单个枝条产生的花序数、小花数和结实率也随之变化.种子可育,株丛下可见实生苗,在环境条件适合时,植株常通过分蘖繁殖、有时倒伏枝端节上可产生不定根和芽进行营养繁殖,一个较大的株丛一般是有性和无性繁殖个体的混合群。 The reproductive biology including vegetative propagation, sexual reproduction and polination of Chloranthus holostagius has been observed and analyzed. The result shows that in the natural condition, Chloranthus holostagius mainly processes sexual reproduction. The mature individuals usually have 1 terminal and 2 or 4 lateral spikes. Sometimes in the late of flowering period new buds can be generated outside the basses of the lateral spikes, developing into branch shoots with 2 or 4 leaves and 1 second terminal and 2 second lateral spikes. All the spikes are automorphomic, but the floret number and the fruit ratio decrease along with the generating order. The pollination tests show that Chloranthus holostagius is allogamy. The pollinator is thrip (Mwgalurothrips distalis of Thripidae), a kind of small insects which are dewelling widely in flowers of different plants but very adapted to the flowers of Chloranthus holostagius. Matured seeds can germinate and develop into seedlings around the parent bushes. Vegetative propagation processed by tillering when conditions are favorable. Sometimes roots and bud can be generated in the top leaf axis of bending shoots and then new individual produced. A bash of Chloranthus holostagius is generally a combination of sexually and vegetatively produced indiveduals.
出处 《云南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 1998年第S4期547-550,共4页 Journal of Yunnan University(Natural Sciences Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金 云南省应用基础研究基金
关键词 全缘金粟兰 繁殖生物学 蓟马 Chloranthus holostagius, reproductive biology, thrip
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