
“我将不断进取,向艺术的高峰挺进”——浅谈施禀谋的俏色玉雕创作 被引量:3

"I'II Keep Forging Ahead and Press Onward towards the Peak of Art"-Brief Introduction to Shi Bingmou's Qiaose Jade Carving
摘要 中国的宝玉石文化源远流长,至今已有一万年以上的历史。古今中外的玉雕大师们,尤其是我国古代的玉石工匠,用他们灵巧的双手,非凡的智慧创造了辉煌的宝玉石文化历史。在改革开放的今天,宝玉石行业新人辈出,玉雕新品琳琅满目,尤以俏色玉雕更加精妙绝伦,其突出代表当首推玉雕大师施禀谋。本文拟就施禀谋俏色玉雕的创作风格作一简析。 In today's China which has carried out economic reform and opened its door to the outside world, new talents in the jade carving field have come to the fore and there have been a great variety of new jade carving works, of which the brilliantly-colored jade carving is all the more exquisite. The prominent representative of this art form is Shi Bingmou, a master of jade carving. This artiole aims to give a brief analysis of Shi's creative style of jade carving.1. Sticking to no set patterns and using such creative skills as are best adapted to materials In Shi's jade carving works, we can find different varieties of jade articles which are of different values and colors. These raw materials help constitute the diversified style of Shi's jade carving works in terms of variety and subject.2. Broad-minded and a wide range of subjects While traditional jade carving works are mainly confined to fairy tales and religious allusions, Shi's jade carving works are a breakthrough in choice of subject. These works place more emphasis on reality and important historical subjects. For instance, the use of valuable materials to depict the subject of war is a breakthrough and innovation in Zhang's choice of subject.3. New and unique ideas with emphasis on aesthetic charm4. Diversification of creative approaches. The successful application of Qiaose technique has helped create a new field of creation for Shi and the jade carving industry in this county.
作者 宇清
出处 《雕塑》 1998年第4期14-15,共2页 Sculpture
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