A 61 year-old right handed man, who suffered from right cerebral infarction with evidences of visual-spatial neglect and constructive disorder, was reported. When copying simple geometric designs, he omitted to copy figures on the left side of the page; he tended to bisect the line to the right of the line's real center; after memorizing the familiar pictures he mainly mentioned the pictures on the right side of the page; when copying the 'Rey Complex' he also ignored the structures on the left side. The relations of the neglect and construction disorder are discussed.
A 61 year-old right handed man, who suffered from right cerebral infarction with evidences of visual-spatial neglect and constructive disorder, was reported. When copying simple geometric designs, he omitted to copy figures on the left side of the page; he tended to bisect the line to the right of the line's real center; after memorizing the familiar pictures he mainly mentioned the pictures on the right side of the page; when copying the 'Rey Complex' he also ignored the structures on the left side. The relations of the neglect and construction disorder are discussed.