The laws of forming metal- ammonia- graphite biintercalation compound (MAGBC ) undr natural or electrolytic conditions were studied by selecting microstructural parameter functions in accordance with the chemcal bond theory, and function Φ(g) was proposed to characterize the capability of metal-liquid ammonia solutions to be interalated and the relevant laws were thus summed up together with structural paramter diagrams. Results in general agreement with experimental facts, and some expected results without experiment reports as well, were obtained and satisfactorily explained from the view point of energy.
The laws of forming metal- ammonia- graphite biintercalation compound (MAGBC ) undr natural or electrolytic conditions were studied by selecting microstructural parameter functions in accordance with the chemcal bond theory, and function Φ(g) was proposed to characterize the capability of metal-liquid ammonia solutions to be interalated and the relevant laws were thus summed up together with structural paramter diagrams. Results in general agreement with experimental facts, and some expected results without experiment reports as well, were obtained and satisfactorily explained from the view point of energy.