The formation and development environment of the "old red sands" on South China coasts is discussed according to the investigation in the field and laboratory works. The authors believed that the "old red sands" are the aeolian sediments deposits in the last glacial period of late Pleistocene when the sea level was lower than the present, and the laterization took place under the hot and wet climate during the later interglacial and postglacial periods when the sea level was relatively high.
The formation and development environment of the “old red sands” on South China coasts is discussed according to the investigation in the field and laboratory works. The authors believed that the “old red sands” are the aeolian sediments deposits in the last glacial period of late Pleistocene when the sea level was lower than the present, and the laterization took place under the hot and wet climate during the later interglacial and postglacial periods when the sea level was relatively high.
ProjectsupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina (GrantNo .4 96 710 12 ) .