Various molecular parameters of the resulting polymer, such as number and weight average degrees of polymerization and polydispersity index, were derived for the ionic polymerization with a three state mechanism. Numerical calculation indicated that the molecular weight distribution of the resultant polymer is rather narrow at high monomer conversion even though the three coexisting species possess rather different reactivities, and that additional foreign counterions result in a narrower molecular weight distribution.
Various molecular parameters of the resulting polymer, such as number- and weight-average degrees of polymerization and polydispersity index, were derived for the ionic polymerization with a three-state mechanism. Numerical calculation indicated that the molecular weight distribution of the resultant polymer is rather narrow at high monomer conversion even though the three coexisting species possess rather different reactivities, and that additional foreign counterions result in a narrower molecular weight distribution.
ProjectsupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina (GrantNo .2 94 74 16 3) .