The extended Kompaneets equation is reviewed. This equation can be applied not only to the up-Comptonization process but also to the down-Comptonization which is important in X-ray and γ-ray astronomy. Based on this equation, the variation of some typical X-ray spectrum in astrophysics due to the down-Comptonization is down-Cumptonimation, spectrum shape, diffusion approximation, extended Kompanects equation.
The extended Kompaneets equation is reviewed. This equatio n can be applied not only to the upComptonization process but also to the down -Comptonization which is important in X-ray and γ-ray astronomy. Based on this equation, the variation of some typical X-ray spectrum in astrophysics due to the down-Comptonization is down-Comptonization, spectrum shape, diffusi on approximation, extended Kompaneets equation.
ProjectsupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina (GrantNo .××× )andtheClimbingProgramofChina .