Intercalation compounds of ferrous phenanthroline complexes in MoS2 have been synthesized by inclusion of the intercalated species with aqueous solution of MoS2 single layers. The characterization by X-ray diffraction, elemental analysis and infrared spectroscopy indicates that the ferrous phenanthroline complexes are situated between the MoS2 layers with the three-fold axis parallel to thec-axis of Mas.
Intercalation compounds of ferrous phenanthroline complexes in MoS-2 have been synthesized by inclusion of the intercalated species with aqueous solution of MoS-2 single layers. The characterization by X-ray diffraction, elemental analysis and infrared spectroscopy indicates that the ferrous phenanthroline complexes are situated between the MoS-2 layers with the three-fold axis parallel to the c-axis of MoS-2.
ProjectsupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina (GrantNo .2 96 5 2 5 70 1)