The self similar sets satisfying the open condition have been studied. An estimation of fractal, by the definition can only give the upper limit of its Hausdorff measure. So to judge if such an upper limit is its exact value or not is important. A negative criterion has been given. As a consequence, the Marion’s conjecture on the Hausdorff meas\| ure of the Koch curve has been proved invalid.
The self similar sets satisfying the open condition have been studied. An estimation of fractal, by the definition can only give the upper limit of its Hausdorff measure. So to judge if such an upper limit is its exact value or not is important. A negative criterion has been given. As a consequence, the Marion's conjecture on the Hausdorff meas\| ure of the Koch curve has been proved invalid.
ProjectpartiallysupportedbytheStateScientificCommissionandtheStateEducationCommission .