
RTT relation and long-range spin chain model

RTT relation and long-range spin chain model
摘要 It is verified that the long range interaction integrable chain models with Yangian symmetry can be obtained from RTT relation, which therefore make this kind of models merge into Yang Baxter system. A general method for obtaining Hamiltonian from quantum determinant of transfer matrix satisfying RTT relation is given. It is verified that the long-range interaction integrable chain models with Yangian symmetry can be obtained from RTT relation, which therefore make this kind of models merge into Yang-Baxter system. A general method for obtaining Hamiltonian from quantum determinant of transfer matrix satisfying RTT relation is given.
出处 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 1998年第9期974-982,共9页 中国科学:数学(英文版)
基金 ProjectsupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina .
关键词 INTEGRABLE system YANGIAN symmetry RTT relation quantum determinant. integrable system Yangian symmetry RTT relation quantum determinant
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