The spring home range and social behavior of Hazel grouse, (Bonasa bonasia) were studied at Changbai Mountain using radiotelemetry in 1993–94. Flock dissolution and pair formation started in mid-March. Paired males held territories in spring, the area was from 3.2 hm2 to 17.3 hm2 (n=2). Hazel grouse was proved to be monogamous by radiotelemetry work. The overlap of home range between paired No.10 and No.8 was 82.4%. The time of birds being together was 83.0% of the time during the prelaying period (n=53), showing that the pair bond was stable. Unpaired males showed different behavior, held a territory or wandering, and they changed their behavior in early May. The study suggested that unpaired males gave up their reproduction goal, and the acquisition for survival became more important in early May, when female started incubation.