Bases on studies of bryophytes collecled by Cao Tong in August 1997 from North Kolea, 81 species belonging to 52 genera, 26 families of mosses and 16 species belonging to 12 genera, 10 families of hepatics are recorded. Among these, 6 rpeciec and 1 form are new to bryoflora of the Korean Peninsula. These are : Campylopus gracilis (Mitt.) Jaeg.,Grimmia leavigata (Brid.) Brid., Okamura hakoniensis f. mutiflagellifera (Okam.) Nog., Orthotrchum erubescens C. Muell.,Scapania verrucosa Heeg., Schistidum strictum (Turn.) Loeske ex O. Maort. and Schistidium subconfertum (Broth.)Deguchi.
Bases on studies of bryophytes collected by Cao Tong in August 1997 from North Korea, 81 species belonging to 52 genera, 26 families of mosses and 16 species belonging to 12 genera, 10 families of hepatics are recorded. Among these, 6 species and 1 form are new to bryoflora of the Korean Peninsula. These are:Campylopus gracilis (Mitt.) Jaeg.,Grimmia leavigata (Brid.) Brid.,Okamura hakoniensis f.mutiflagellifera (Okam.) Nog.,Orthotrichum erubescens C. Muell.,Scapania verrucosa Heeg.,Schistidium strictum (Turn.) Loeske ex O. Maort. andSchistidium subconfertum (Broth.) Deguchi.